Stupid people really annoy me.
They shouldn’t, but they do.
I shouldn’t let it get to me, but I can’t help it.
Currently, there are two types of people who are unneccessarily annoying me.
The first are those people who still wear a face mask.
In their car.
Who are they protecting themselves from? Themselves?
But, I s’pose it’s no worse than those who continue to wear one when they are on their own, walking down the street. Walking on their own in the open air, wearing a face mask.
OK, I know that wearing a mask is no longer mandatory and is now a matter of personal preference. But, even at the height of Covid19, I don’t believe there was a single recommendation from the government or it’s medical advisors, to wear a mask when you are outside on your own.
The second type of people who are annoying me are dog owners. Not all dog owners obviously, but those who don’t pick up after their dog.
If I’m walking down the road with my dog and there is someone walking towards me and we both pass a great lump of dog turd on the pavement… I feel guilty! As a representative of the dog-owning community, I feel like I should be apologising on behalf of whoever it was that allowed their dog to foul the footpath. Which is ridonkulous.
Just as bad are those who do pick it up and bag it, but then leave the bag there. WTF?! I’m seeing plenty of this happening in the woods.
Do they not realise that by doing that, they are actually making it worse?
Dog shit will not bio-degrade if it’s in a plastic bag.
You stupid, dumb-arse people.