The current Mrs Masher has been on her death bed all week with man-flu, and I was feeling well pleased with myself that I was managing to avoid it.
Because we sleep together (and I use that in the literal sense of the word, not the euphemistic one… because we’re married) I was convinced that I was gonna go down like a sack of spuds, after she’d filled the bedroom each night with her germs.
But no, I managed to hold out until it was a much more inconvenient time to catch it: a time when I need a clear head, so I can write down a month’s worth of drivel for you both to read.
So yes, here we are on Feb the wunth – WTF happened to January, by the way? If it carries on at this rate, it’ll soon be Christmas!
Anyway, pinch punch, here we go again.
I hope that Mrs M is well enough to look after you ? ( as I am sure you would have looked after her?)
There is a car lives near here with the number plate WTF… always makes me smile.. I am surprised that it was allowed. Looks like a normal run of the mill plate!
Get well soon…as they say.
Thank you, Frances.
Similarly, I have a standard number plate on my car, which ends in FFS.
That’s not the reason I bought it.
It’s good to share. As Bob Hoskins didn’t quite say. But what’s yours is hers and what’s hers is yours. Or something. Enjoy those pesky little microbes
I don’t remember the sharing of germs being in the wedding vows.