Britain Has Got Talent

Some years ago, I went to see (hear) The Planet Suite by Holst, being played at the Royal Festival Hall.

It was bloody brilliant.  And I found myself slightly star-struck, when I realised I was sitting just two seats away from Julian Lloyd Webber.

Recently I’ve been longing to go and see (hear) it again… although I doubt Jules will be there this time.

And so tonight finds me searching the internets for tickets.

Tickets to see (hear) The Planet Suite.

All of it.

By Gustav Holst.

I couldn’t find any though and somehow I ended up just listening to Jupiter on YouTube.

Which was great.

But, then the ‘YouTube sidebar of time-wasting’ sucked me in, and I found myself clicking on all sorts of videos, only to emerge two hours later, bleary-eyed and finding that everyone had gone to bed.

But, I thought I’d share a couple of favourites that I found, with you… they’re fairly short.

I would love to have been there for this one, but being a southerner, I missed out. I very much doubt it’s ever going to happen in our shopping mall in town.

And this one just made me jealous: the talent of this fella! It’s scenes like this that make me wish I’d paid more attention to my music teacher at school.


10 thoughts on “Britain Has Got Talent

  1. ‘and yes I listened to it all from up north.
    They even had a TIMPANI. Dig deep for that one Neddy.
    As you say not a hope for the mall where you are.

    • What what what what what!
      I know what a timpani is! * double checks with Google* Yes, I know what a timpani is.

  2. I like the staging of Bolero (but not the piece itself. We’ve never seen eye to eye). And the piano players at Kings Cross are just awesome

  3. A point of pedantry – two Timpani but one Timpano.

    Apart from that, I always find it astounding that someone can simply sit at a piano and play with such fluidity and in a range of styles. I am totally unable to play musical instrument at all.

    As for Flashmobs, if one happened where I was, I should be very emotional about it and would probably end up in tears of joy.

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