Some years ago, I went to see (hear) The Planet Suite by Holst, being played at the Royal Festival Hall.
It was bloody brilliant. And I found myself slightly star-struck, when I realised I was sitting just two seats away from Julian Lloyd Webber.
Recently I’ve been longing to go and see (hear) it again… although I doubt Jules will be there this time.
And so tonight finds me searching the internets for tickets.
Tickets to see (hear) The Planet Suite.
All of it.
By Gustav Holst.
I couldn’t find any though and somehow I ended up just listening to Jupiter on YouTube.
Which was great.
But, then the ‘YouTube sidebar of time-wasting’ sucked me in, and I found myself clicking on all sorts of videos, only to emerge two hours later, bleary-eyed and finding that everyone had gone to bed.
But, I thought I’d share a couple of favourites that I found, with you… they’re fairly short.
I would love to have been there for this one, but being a southerner, I missed out. I very much doubt it’s ever going to happen in our shopping mall in town.
And this one just made me jealous: the talent of this fella! It’s scenes like this that make me wish I’d paid more attention to my music teacher at school.
‘and yes I listened to it all from up north.
They even had a TIMPANI. Dig deep for that one Neddy.
As you say not a hope for the mall where you are.
What what what what what!
I know what a timpani is! * double checks with Google* Yes, I know what a timpani is.
I watched the other one as well. Could nickname him “The Musical Dynamo”
I love the piano guy. What talent! Can’t see it happening in the Arndale!
If he tried that in the Arndale, Frances, he’d probably get mugged.
I might be there… if you bought me a ticket.
Is that all it’s gonna take? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?
I like the staging of Bolero (but not the piece itself. We’ve never seen eye to eye). And the piano players at Kings Cross are just awesome
I quite like the Bolero, actually, but it’s not something I’ll often reach for, I’ll admit.
A point of pedantry – two Timpani but one Timpano.
Apart from that, I always find it astounding that someone can simply sit at a piano and play with such fluidity and in a range of styles. I am totally unable to play musical instrument at all.
As for Flashmobs, if one happened where I was, I should be very emotional about it and would probably end up in tears of joy.