Weather Report

Well, today I expected to be regaling you with tales of our trip out to one of the small islands that are dotted around Mauritius. This particular island (I can’t remember the name of it) has a pure white sandy beach, dotted with palm trees and looks like it is straight out of a Bacardi advert.

Rather than a speedboat – like earlier – this time we were to take a more leisurely trip, by catamaran.

Mrs M and I dragged ourselves out of bed this morning at 6.30, so we’d have time for some breakfast before departing, only to find that the excursion has been cancelled due to a category 2 cyclone .

A cyclone! Wow!

The nearest I have ever been to a cyclone, is vacuuming the carpet with our Dyson.

It’s currently 9am, local time, as I sit here on our balcony, typing this up. It’s hot and humid and the sun is beating down… as can be seen in the rather rubbish photo at the top of this post, that I have just taken.

It certainly isn’t looking like cyclone weather at the moment, but if we get evacuated (which could happen if it gets updated to a category 3, apparently), I shall let you know. 😊

+++UPDATE +++

It’s 22:00 local time and we have just found out that our flight has been brought forward  12 hours and we now need to leave here early in the morning.  Best get packing!

4 thoughts on “Weather Report

  1. I’m trying to remember which category is the best/worst for getting blown. Or is it sucked? Or is that just Dysons? I get confused so easily.

    • “I was never confused!” – The Pub Landlord

      Well, the storm has just been upgraded here, and people are starting to get a bit concerned. The hotel has had a team of contractors placing sandbags along the perimeter, all day and tying down the beach umbrellas and sunbeds.

      Personally, I reckon it will all blow over.

    • They did.
      “Prepone”. Now, there’s a word I’ve never used – or even heard of – before… until this morning, on the noticeboard in the hotel reception, which listed all the flights that had been preponed and all the ones that had been cancelled.

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