Flashmobs were all the rage some years ago, but you don’t see so many of them nowadays. Another fleeting fad, maybe.
But it’s a fad that I quite enjoyed… whilst it lasted.
Much to my annoyance, I’ve never been in a flashmob. There’s a good reason for this: all the ones I have seen, involve having the ability to dance, or to sing, or to play a musical instrument. I am sadly lacking in every single one of those departments.
And, I’ve never even seen one, which again, is quite annoying.
There are plenty to watch on that YouTube thing though and I’ve enjoyed most of them, I think.
But this is my new favourite.
Should I ever get married again, this is definitely happening.
You’re lining up the bride in that video to be Mrs M v2.0, that’s all that’s happening here.
Yeah, she wishes.
You have the dancing skills Mark and I have a video as proof… 🙂
Hmmm… you still got that?
I thought I’d paid you off.