You know when you order something from Amazon or eBay (and many other sellers, it has to be said), you generally receive an email confirming your order.
A while later you might get another email saying that your order has been dispatched.
And when you eventually receive your order, you might get a final email confirming that it has been delivered to you.
Well, a couple of weeks back, I ordered some items from AliExpress… because they are so bloody cheap compared to the UK.
I ordered four items. If you must know: a pack of MOSFETs; An Arduino Uno board; some blue LEDs and a multi-ganged 12-way switch.
Once I had completed the order – four items but in one order, paid with one payment – I received a confirmation email.
For each item. So I received four emails.
This was followed a short while later with another email saying “Order ready to ship”. For each item. So, another four emails.
An hour later, yet another email: “Order shipped”.
For each item.
Four more emails.
This was followed up the next day with another four emails: “Package in transit”.
A few days later, another four: “In your country/region”.
Then: “Cleared Customs”.
“Out for delivery”.
And then finally “Delivered”.
Except, it wasn’t the final one. Another four arrived a couple of days later: “Awaiting confirmation”. This means they are waiting for me to go on to the website and confirm that I have received my order. So I did.
That then generated four more emails: “How did it go?” Basically asking me to go online and review how well the ordering process worked. All in all, I received 40 emails regarding the four items that I ordered.
I was tempted to actually do the review, complaining that they sent too many emails.
But I thought I might have to do it four times.
🙂 and that if you don’t clear them they clog your email for unread emails.. You can have more channels opened with them like sms and whatsapp and they will repeat there as well
My personal email account never receives enough traffic to get clogged up, Rajesh, not like it was at work.
But yes, SMS and What Is App notifications can all get a bit tiresome after a while.
Ah, you’ve been feeding the Chinese dragon? It’s very impressive how geared up to customer service/comms they’ve become. A little over the top, sure, but they’ve got the hang of automated processes and email triggers.
Ah, you’ve been feeding the Chinese dragon? It’s very impressive how geared up to customer service/comms they’ve become. A little over the top, sure, but they’ve got the hang of automated processes and email triggers.
Ah, you’ve been feeding the Chinese dragon? It’s very impressive how geared up to customer service/comms they’ve become. A little over the top, sure, but they’ve got the hang of automated processes and email triggers.
Ah, you’ve been feeding the Chinese dragon? It’s very impressive how geared up to customer service/comms they’ve become. A little over the top, sure, but they’ve got the hang of automated processes and email triggers.
Yes, but those email triggers are triggering me.
I see what you’ve done there.
I think.