Parking Idiots

I do my grocery shopping as early as I can on a Saturday morning: 1. To make sure I get a parking space and 2. To get there before they sell out of toasted tea cakes.

On point 1: I always try to park considerately.  If I get out of the car and find that it isn’t square in the bay or the back end is hanging over the line, I’ll get back in the car and correct it. This makes it easier for those parking next to me and allows the maximum amount of room each side for people to open their car doors without hitting mine.

Sadly though, some people just don’t seem to care about such things and will just park their car at whatever jaunty angle takes the least amount of effort.  And, if their door hits the car next to them, so be it. Can’t be helped.

Which is why I found yet another dink in my door this week, when I cleaned the car.

I’ve tried parking away from everyone else abut this still happens.

People just seem to want to park next to me, for some reason.

When I went to the National Archives a few weeks back, I parked in a retail park just a few minutes walk away, as the parking was free for up to 4 hours.  Although there were plenty of spaces available, I parked right at the far end, well away from everyone else, in a row of bays that were completely empty.

When I returned about an hour or so later, I found that someone had parked right next to me – as can be seen in the picture above (my car is the blue one).

All those empty bays and he/she chooses to park as close as possible to me.

Maybe my car is just particularly attractive.

6 thoughts on “Parking Idiots

  1. Aha! (they think to themselves) That Young Masher really knows how to park his car. I’m going to park next to him and follow his example. Besides (they also think) we’ve heard he’s dead sexy and loves a toasted teacake or several.

  2. You are not alone.

    Countless times the mad people park ridiculously close to my vehicle to a point where it has become a standing joke in the Pewty household.

    Any road up, the first time it happened I’d only had my pride & joy for a couple of weeks and therefore I was parking it with extreme care and this time I’d parked in Sainsbury’s car park leaving at least twenty empty spaces between my tin god and the next car.

    When I returned to my pristine motor I noticed that it wasn’t so pristine as it was when I parked it. The drivers door & rear panel were caved in by what must have been a force similar to Earth being hit by an asteroid or so it seemed at the time.

    My damaged beauty was still twenty spaces away from anyone else, I marched into the store and spoke to the security guard watching over his monitors.

    I explained the issue and asked to look at his CCTV recording to see if I could identify the culprit.

    ” Nah mate” he said “none of ’em work except the one over the loading bay”

    Then he gave me his expert advice

    ” Wot you wanna do is park in the muvver & baby spaces like I do you get more room there”

    I stared into space for a few moments then took a deep breath and punched his lights out and walked out of the shop.

    Actually that’s not strictly true, I did take a deep breath and I did walk out of the shop, But I’m an Englishman so instead of violence I left him with a severe but dignified cold stare .

    That’ll show him.

    • I learnt many years ago, not to be on the receiving end of a Pewty death stare!

      Our local Sains has just installed cameras… not for security, but so they can charge you if you stay too long.

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