Christmas has been a quiet one for the Masher household this year: revolving mainly around food, drink and flopping in front of the telly for hours on end.
I have eaten my own body weight in sausage rolls, mince pies and Quality Street and our previously well stocked beer fridge now just has small balls of tumbleweed rolling around inside it.
The garage is piled high with polystyrene and cardboard and sacks of wrapping paper, just waiting for me to pluck up the will to take it all to the local Tidy Tip. That’s not gonna happen this week, I can tell you!
But some semblance of normality has resumed, in that the Christmas tree has been taken down and stashed back up in the loft and all the Christmas cards (we seem to get fewer every year) have been taken down and put in the recycle bin. Now that the tree is gone, furniture has been placed back into its usual place and the living room now looks as it did… should. Annoyingly, the Blu-Tak that we used to stick up the cards, has marked the wall and our chimney breast now looks like it has the measles. I’ll have to repaint it.
There may – or may not – be more festivities tonight.
But personally, I’ll be most upset if I’m not tucked up in bed by 11:30
A happy new year from us down here on the south coast.
And to you, my friend.
Blimey, you were spritely getting the tree down so early. Ours vanished yesterday. I seem to have put on half a stone which is a result, all things considered. I hope 2025 gives us everything we want but mostly in moderation.
Not sure that 2025 can give me a Triumph Rocket III … in moderation!