Mrs Masher and I went to see a show on Friday evening.
Danny Baker is currently doing his Sausage Sandwich Tour around the UK.
I’ve long been a fan and always thought that pound for pound, the ol’ motormouth was the best radio presenter out there.
I say “was”, because he has lost his job several times over the years, and due to the nature of his last sacking, it could well be the last time he works in that particular media… one in which he has excelled, over the years.
The show started at 19:30, so we knew that getting there after work was going to be a bit tight. The heavy rain that day didn’t help, with the motorway traffic delaying things before we even got started.
As it was, we arrived with exactly one minute to spare. We walked in, were shown to our seats and, as we sat down, the lights lowered and Danny bound out on to the stage.
It was amazing how he talked non-stop throughout, barely pausing for breath as he regaled us with anecdote after anecdote from his life story.
Only one thing let it down, in my opinion: it was too long.
It started at 19:30, as I say. We had a short interval of about 15 minutes or so, halfway through, and then it continued, finishing at 23:15.
Wow! That man can talk! It was interesting and it was funny and well worth the price of the tickets, but toward the end, we were all getting a bit tired and bumsore, I think.
Of course, being that late, all the restaurants had closed and we were famished. We checked in to our hotel and the proprietor told us that the kitchens were closed. He suggested McDonalds would be the only place open at this time of night.
We walked to McDonalds… just a few minutes away, to find it had closed at 23:30 due to ‘routine maintenance’. We’d missed it by five minutes!
So, two beefburgers with chips, from a snack wagon parked in the town square were purchased, and we sat eating it in our hotel room, with two chairs drawn up against the dressing table.
I really know how to show a girl a good time.
Wow, that’s a really long show (to sit through and to perform in). Two beefburgers with chips, eh? And what did Mrs M have? Room service not working?
Nah, the hotel we stayed in was quaint with olde worlde character.
One of those olde worlde characteristics was that the doors were locked at midnight and all the staff went to bed.
That was a cozy dinner… the snack wagon deserves a clap