Birthday Girl

Today is Saber’s birthday.


She’s six-years old.

We don’t actually know her birth date for sure, but this was date that was worked out when we first got her as a puppy and we have stuck to it.

Of course, she doesn’t know it’s her birthday.

The significance of the extra bit of chicken in her breakfast passed her by, as she wolfed it all down, just as quick as she always does.

The extra couple of doggie biscuits in her mid-morning treat also went unnoticed, as they too were devoured  ravenously, like we never feed her, or something.

And I’m sure tonight’s birthday meal of beef and tripe will be scoffed just as quick.

Unfortnately, chocolate isn’t good for dogs, so we will have to eat her birthday cake for her.

She can have a bit of cheese, instead.

Special birthday cheese, of course.

2 thoughts on “Birthday Girl

  1. Wow.. I have always seen Saber a big girl.. never occurred that she would be 6 months younger to Aditi 🙂

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