Well, here we are: February already!
Soon be Christmas.
So, every February, I do this stupid blogathon thing, don’t I?
I’d probably not bother, if it hadn’t become the internet sensation that it has.
But, each year, I start by bemoaning how difficult it’s going to be to finish the whole month, because nothing much has happened.
And each year, I do manage to finish – by hook or by crook, sometimes.
But, we get there, somehow.
However, this (surprisingly) is the first time I have tried to do it during a pandemic.
Somehow, I have to write 28 posts this month, when nothing much has happened… for real.
No tales of going to the pictures; no whimsical anecdotes about a trip to the dentist; no amusing stories about loonies in the shopping mall.
It’s just me getting up in the morning; sitting in front of a laptop for eight hours and then going to bed.
All interspersed with stoppages for food, watching a bit of telly and walking the dog.
That’s it, pretty much.
And so, I apologise in advance for the drivel that I will need to bestow upon your eyes, if I am to finish this year’s attempt.
Either that, or this could very well be the year where I give up.
Well, that is day 1 dealt with. 👍
I know. Clever, eh?
Oh my Giddy Aunt. I forgot all about this. Going to run araound like a headless chicken and then post something. Will I get to day 28 for the first time in ages. Should be easier since I’ve got nothing better to do.
Ahh, our French correspondent! Bien venue.
Indeed, you have no reason to not complete the challenge this month, Dave.
Apart from all the reasons I have outlined above, of course.
How marvellous. I’m looking forward to this year’s efforts, to give me a valuable distraction from all the things that I need distracting from.
Well, it’ll be a distraction, alright.
How valuable that might be, is up for debate.
Well done Mark! the blogathon is going really well