Still Annoyed… it would seem

What a beautiful day!  Up bright and early I decided I would take the mutt for a walk around the the woods, before all the numpties turned up.

Usually, the ‘morning walk’ consists of a half hour stretch of the legs through the urban meadow just a few minutes away, and the ‘evening walk’ will be a much longer traipse through the woods or around the woods or alongside the woods.

And this morning it was wonderful: we didn’t see or hear a soul.

We walked along in total silence. Not even any wind.

Just the sound of the birds in the trees.

And the tip-tap of the aglets on my laces, tapping against my boots as I walked.

That tiny little sound wouldn’t normally bother me, but, now that I’d heard it, it was all I could hear as I walked, and it jarred with the absolute stillness around me and started to get on my nerves.

I stooped down and tucked the end of the laces into my boots. That was better, total silence now, as I walked.

But the laces came out after about a minute and the tapping started again.

Annoyed, I stopped by a fallen tree,  undid my laces and re-tied them, making sure there wasn’t enough slack for the ends to flap about.


We walked in total silence.

Just the sound of the birds in the trees,

And a slight squeak from the rubber heel on my boot.


11 thoughts on “Still Annoyed… it would seem

  1. Haha! The new injustices of this altered world.

    I find timing walks crucial because it seems every man now has a dog, a bike or is possessed by jogging. Never saw these buggers before!

    • Indeed.
      I met a couple in the woods the other day. Never seen them there before. Not surprising, as I know them and they leave a good couple of miles away.
      And they haven’t got a dog.

  2. I used to be annoyed with the dog’s name tag clicking as he walked, but he now has a ” flexitag” that fits on his collar in a way that doesn’t/can’t make a noise. Saw them on FB a few years ago …..local seller I think.

    • Saber doesn’t have a collar, so no noise there.
      It allows her to unsuccessfully sneak up on squirrels.

    • I’m like a Ninja, going through the woods, I am. Silent and invisible.
      In my bright red, Peter Storm waterproof jacket.

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