It’s three o’clock in the morning, as I type this.
Yes, three of the clock!
You might think this is blogathon dedication, but no.
I have been awoken from my slumber by two things:
- A weak bladder
- Two women having an argument outside somewhere.
The first was easily rectified, but the second really annoyed me, because it went on for ages… and I couldn’t see it.
I opened the bedroom curtains just enough to peek through, but couldn’t see anybody.
I craned my neck to look as far down the road as I could, and then the other way, as far as I could up the road.
But, frustratingly, whilst I could hear the arguing, I couldn’t see who it was.
In fact, the only thing I could see, was the bedroom curtains twitching at the house across the road. I think they had a much better view.
I’ll readily admit to being a nosey neighbour… if something is going on in our road, I want to know about it.
I mean, everyone likes a bit of gossip, don’t they?
But, disappointingly, I have none; I have nothing to show for having been awake for the past hour.
I know one of my neighbours was arguing, but I don’t know who it was.
Or what it was about.
But I bet them over the road, do.
I just might have to pop over for a cup of tea, later 🙂
NEWS FLASH. Website name change……..Now called
Or perhaps the 2 at the bottom of your garden arguing who’s turn it was to go and get some new batteries.
I’ve got plenty of batteries… they only have to knock.
Arguer 1: Right let’s have a pretend argument and see how long it is before that nosy bugger looks out of his window.
Arguer 2: OK. Hide behind this wall so he can’t see us.
A 1: I think I saw the curtains twitch.
A 2: And the other one is up now opposite.
A 1: Let’s wave to the new one, they can see us and it will wind him up over here.
A 2: I’m tired now, let’s jack it in.
A 1: OK. I bet he’ll be across there for a cup of tea and a hobnob later.
Ok, but what did the neighbour opposite say? Did you go for your cup of tea, some of us are desperate to know the outcome.
I didn’t go, as they were out for most of the day.
I’ll catch up with them at some point.
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You have such interesting neighbours. All we have is Shouty Susan over the road. That’s it. The rest are dead quiet. So I want to know what was going on please?
Jeez, you lot are nosier than me!