Back when I was a kid, Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men liked Little Weed.
And today, it seems that just about everybody does.
It’s impossible to go out for a walk with the dog and not catch a whiff of it at some point. Groups of youngsters on park benches are the biggest culprits. Whenever we walk past, there is always a sickly sweet smell hanging in the air around them… and it’s not Lynx Africa.
A chap walked past me last night on the footpath and as soon as he had gone by, a pungent, sweet, minty aroma hit me full in the face.
To be fair, it’s not as bad as getting a facefull of fag smoke, but nonetheless, it’s not to my liking.
Of course, I say ‘weed’, but I’m not really sure what that even is. Cannabis? Marajuana? Skunk? Ganja (is that the same thing?)? I suppose I could look it up, but I can’t be bothered.
I’ve never been interested in – or dabbled with – drugs, any drugs… apart from that one wild time in my youth, when I tried some Junior Disprin.
I don’t understand why these people want to walk around stoned all the time… what’s the attraction?
And this morning, as I was taking the dog on her daily drag along the meadow, I found a small blue pot laying in the grass (pot… grass… you can see where this is going). I picked it up and had a look inside. That’s it in the photo.
Inside was a small plastic bag containing what was undoubtably weed. Out of interest, I weighed it: quarter of an ounce. Now, I know from watching the brilliant Ideal on iPlayer, that this stuff is sold in quarters, eighths and sixteenths, but I have no idea what it actually costs.
But I bet that someone out there is kicking themselves for having lost it.
They can come and collect it from me if they like… it’s in my rubbish bin.
Here comes the gardener.
Like me, you’re showing your age there, Alan!
The park near us has improved post covid but I can smell it sometimes whilst walk past the park on my way to town centre .. The police once took away Thomas’s dustbin as evidence for someone caught doing deals.. They never returned it back to Thomas though.. It’s more and more common now
That must be terrible for Thomas: it now being commonplace for the police to keep taking away his dustbin. 😉
But, it certainly is more prevalent.
I do wonder where some of these people get the money.
Out of interest, I googled the UK street value of ‘weed’. I now believe I threw somewhere in the region of fifty to sixty quids worth in my bin!
There’s a house in this village that periodically exudes ‘the aroma’. It’s an OK smell, I’ve caught it a lot in Amsterdam when I used to nip up there for the weekend from where I was stationed. I did loads of drugs in those days. Amstel, usually. Sometimes Carlsberg. Very occasionally Mosel. These days I don’t do anything much except for sleep.
I think you’re getting a bit mixed up there, Bren. Amstel isn’t a drug, it’s a nectar.