The motorcycle club that I belong to have some real die-hard bikers: guys that will ride any distance in any weather.
I’m not one of them.
I used to be, back in the day. I used to ride in all weathers: dry, warm and sunny to windy, cold and wet. I even used to ride in the snow – mainly because back then, my motorcycle was my only form of transportation… apart from my pushbike.
But, once I’d got a car, the bike very quickly became a warm weather vehicle. Notice I said ‘warm’, not ‘hot’. When the degrees are up in the high twenties, I’d much rather be in an air-conditioned car than sweltering in leathers at a set of traffic lights. In fact, I’ve become a very temperate rider: I don’t like it too hot and I don’t like it too cold. Baby Bear’s porridge is just the right temperature for me. Call me Goldilocks if you wish.
Guys at the club rib me and say I am a wuss for not riding all year round, as they do.
Each January, they do a ride called the Chilly Willy, which raises money for a local hospice or something. I determined that this would be the year I would brave the weather and join them.
I didn’t.
The fact is, that nowadays I ride for fun. I ride for the sheer joy that motorcycling gives me. And I get absolutely no joy whatsoever, riding when it’s freezing bloody cold and/or wet!
So, the die-hards can make fun and call me whatever – me and my steed won’t be joining them until the roads are nice and dry and the mercury in my thermometer gets within decent reach of 18° C.
I nearly got the bike out and went for a little toodle to Newark and thereabouts yesterday. Very nearly.
You’re a better man than I, Gunga-Din.
Very nearly.
I am waiting too…