Feb The Wunth

I was awoken at 4am this morning, by the current Mrs M climbing back into the marital bed.

I asked where she had been and she explained that she couldn’t sleep and so had been downstairs catching up on the last several episodes of Silent Witness.

“Sorry that I woke you”, she said.

“Wo’evverrr”, I muttered, sleepily.

“But, as you’re awake… Pinch Punch, First Of The Month!” she said, gleefully jabbing me in the arm.

“Not fair! I exclaimed. “I’m not properly awake yet.”

Pinchy Punchy is something we have done for years and it has become quite competitive between the two of us and has reached the point we we even employ dirty tricks like pretending to be asleep – you can’t be pinchy punched when you’re comatose… it’s one of the rules.

We haven’t kept count, but there’s no doubt that Mrs Masher is well ahead.

Sneaky cow.

Anyway, as I have been reminded twice now, it is indeed the first day of February, which can mean only one thing: the entire internet goes into meltdown, as two of us  – I am assuming (nay, hoping) the other one will be joining in – tackle this year’s Masher’s Blog-A-Thon.

Drivel, nonsense, twaddle, gibberish and tripe will be spoon-fed to you both on a daily basis, all washed down with a big glass of poppycock (yes, I’ve been at the thesaurus again).

Brace yourselves.

6 thoughts on “Feb The Wunth

  1. Ooooooooohhhhhh!!!!! (repeat characters as required)

    We too have a highly competitive pinch punch every 1st. I think I’m ahead, I certainly got mine in quickly this morning after I’d got up and completed various morning chores, made tea and took hers and mine upstairs and then administered the 1st of the month routine.


    I love a good pint of thesaurus.

  2. We too do the pinch punch and I normally win…except today Tina was very sneaky and remained asleep so I got up for a shower. I then completely forgot until, whilst doing pilates, she reached out and got me. Very underhand but I’m sure her instructor would have approved in a non-pilates, flexible move from her mat!

    Good luck in the monthly challenge!

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