I do like a glass of orange juice with my breakfast each morning.
Just a small one.
150ml is the recommended daily intake according to the NHS and I have just under that amount. Why? Because the 1 litre carton that I get from Sainsbury’s when I do my weekly grocery shop on a Saturday morning, will only give 6.66 portions (1L divided by 150ml). So I have just slightly less, so that I can get 7 equal glasses of juice out of the carton, thereby getting a full week’s worth.
Normally, I will purchase Sainsbury’s own juice, because I find it’s pretty good. Tropicana definitely tastes that little bit better, but is much more expensive. So, last week, when I saw it on offer for almost the same price as the cheaper supermarket brand, I snatched up a carton.
They are pretty similar in size and appearance, as can be seen in the above photo.
Except that they’re not.
On Friday morning I poured myself a glass of juice as usual and was surprised to find the carton was then empty – I would have none for the following morning. At first I suspected that someone else in the family had been at my juice, however, I knew that wasn’t the case as no-one else in the family drinks it. Looking at the carton, I noticed that despite looking like a regular 1 litre size, it was actually 10% smaller!
So, what’s going on here, Tropicana? Not only more expensive than the supermarket juices, but you actually get less, too?
Another example of shrinkflation in action?
And putting 900ml in a carton that looks like a 1L one, is just being sneaky and devious, I reckon.
Club Tropicana drinks are free. As Wham! sang. Shrinkflation is a thing. Have you seen the size of a Topic these days?
I know, they’ve all shrunk: Topic, Milky Way, Star Bar, Double Decker, Mars Bar.
I dread to think how miniscule a ‘Fun Size’ Mars Bar must be nowadays.
Shrinkaflation as a word I read that first time ever. I know it always in news when they shrink the size for mars or Toblerone chocolate
They’ve shrunk Toblerone?
I beg to differ (see next post).