Last weekend, Son and I made our way down to Canary Wharf and took part in the Taskmaster Live Experience.
It was this: Excellent.
It was also this: A lot of fun.
And it was made even better by this: I actually won the bloody thing!
Yes, in our group of six players (we were in a group but all competing individually), Son and I took an early lead in the first game. We then both did absolute rubbish in the second game. We both did well in the third and then we took the lead again in the fourth game (I don’t mind admitting that it was a pure fluke on my part, as I got the maths completely wrong and I couldn’t figure out how much a rubber duck weighed).
Obviously, I won’t go into details of what the games entailed, as that could spoil it for others, but, if you’re a fan of the show – as I am – I’d urge you to pop along and have a go.
Even if you don’t end up a Champion (like wot I did), it’s still a lot of fun and there’s plenty to see, with lots of memorabilia from the the TV show to enjoy whilst you have a pint and a hot dog from the Taskonbury Bar.
Well done you! I love Taskmaster on TV, but have never thought I could think quickly enough for most of the tasks.
The Live Experience is aimed at the public, so they make it a bit easier, Frances. And it’s not all skill… there’s quite a bit of luck involved too.
Luckily for me.
Stone me. I don’t even understand the task you photographed. So well done. Congratulations. Impressive to win something as challenging as that.
That was one off of the telly, we didn’t have to do that one luckily. I still haven’t managed to figure it out.
Someday I want to do the escape room again in Reading… We did had a bit of remember that one Mark
Yeah, that was a lot of fun.