I was walking the dog through the woods, early this morning.
Early Sunday mornings are a great time: nobody about.
I could tell I was the first to be treading the multiple paths that criss-cross the woods, this morning, by the amount of cobwebs that I walked into.
As I walked, I was thinking about nerdy stuff – as I often do. AX25 Packet Radio links and the issues I’m having with getting some connections, if you must know.
I do a lot of thinking in those woods. Some of my best ideas have come to me whilst I been walking the dog through there. If I have a problem, more often than not, I have solved it whilst traipsing along the many paths that have been worn into place by the footsteps of a thousand dog-walkers. All thinking their own thoughts… some nerdy, some not, I am guessing.
I wandered along, deep in thought.
And then the rising sun reached a point where it’s light lit everything around me with a warm orange glow.
Suddenly torn from my nerdy thoughts, I stopped and took in my surroundings. Orange sunlight dappled playfully through the leaves – still green but with a few brown autumnal colours starting to appear. The silence was delightful, with the warm breeze causing just a few rustles in the branches of the trees. Saber stood at my side, ears up, motionless but alert, her nose thrust high in the air. She could smell something. About 20 metres away, I could see a Muntjack deer. Saber couldn’t see it from her low vantage point. The deer was stood motionless too, aware of our presence and not wanting to give away it’s location.
The deer; the trees; the sun; the stillness… this was nature at her finest. A perfect morning.
I walked on.
“Ahh, now, what if I reduce the packet size using PACLEN…”
I think you need to tell us more about AX25 Packet Radio and its application/use thereof.
I had a close encounter of the deer kind on Friday. Put the willies up me it did. Not literally, obvs.
Anyway, I’m agog on the AX25 Packet Radio info that will be forthcoming, shortly. Don’t call me shortly.
There’s not a lot to say, Bren.
But there#s a little bit here: https://masher.tv/radio/2023/09/24/this-packet-racket/
I think you should be a writer too, Masher because that was lovely. I enjoy the woods too. I go in the evening as the sun sets and it’s glorious. I think about things like , “I hope I’m not being stalked by a hungry vampire or, I hope these woods don’t have eyes… “
They say that your best thinking and deciphering of all things frustrating comes about whilst doing menial tasks. On Mrs Masher’s behalf I’d also like to recommend ironing.
You don’t want to think of things like that, when out in the woods, Jules, because then your mind starts playing tricks on you and suddenly it’s all gone a bit Blair Witch.
We do have an iron somewhere in the house. I’ll suggest to the current ‘er indoors that she tries using it sometime.