
Well, a good start was made yesterday with the room being emptied – how can there be so much stuff in such a small room! – and all the holes in the walls filled (first pass) – including that bloody big hole I made to get some coax cables through (the study used to be my radio shack), and all the woodwork rubbed down.  That’s all the horrible bits done.

Today is about getting some more electrical sockets in, which will involve channeling the wall and making a lot of mess.

So, I have changed in to my decorating attire: a pair of perfectly good walking trousers that I stupidly wore some years ago whilst decorating.  I then got paint on them and ruined them for any purpose other than decorating/DIYing.

And my Bum The Chum polo shirt.

Many years ago, when I worked in the Cable TV industry, some bright spark decided that rather than keep trying to get new customers, we should prevent our existing customers from leaving us, by offering them a better service.

Fair enough.

Customers joining and then leaving is known as churn.

And so a campaign was started, with the memorable tagline “Burn The Churn” and, as is usual with these things, we were all given keyrings and mugs and polo shirts emblazoned with this snappy slogan.

But on the polo shirts, especially from a slight angle, the words Burn The Churn looked more like Bum The Chum.   Oh how we laughed.

Well, I did.

I still proudly wear it to this day.

For decorating.

6 thoughts on “Habiliments

  1. In this post we have you bumming the chum. In the next post we have some buggery, a reference to you getting plastered, and quite a lot of rubbing down. This is marvellous! I can’t wait for Thursday’s blogpost

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