13 thoughts on “Bring It On!

  1. Can’t see any wine! In which case I shan’t be round!
    Have a lovely time.

    PS. Perhaps you have another fridge for the wine?

  2. I see you have just found room for 1 ration of “your 5 a day” at the bottom.
    Unless they are the ingredients for the cocktails.🍹
    Hope you all have a good and safe one.

    • No! I’ll tell you what that is: bloody guinea pig food, that’s what that is!
      That salad drawer was full of J2Os before she went and got herself two pigs.
      Damn rodents’ food has taken over both fridges and they live in a cage the size of a Renault Clio, which takes up half the dining room. Bloody things. I’m sure they cost more to feed than the dog.

  3. Thanks for the card and letter that have just arrived. All good here – kids just finished 2nd year of Uni. Mark still working at Trimble and I am working 3 jobs – 2 hosting ones and alsofor the local health authority on the Covid vax team – keeping busy! Hoping to finally get on vacation abroad this year after 3 cancellations but NZ is a bit of a fortress atm (not complaining about that one bit though since we have only had about 300 cases in the S Island since the start of the pandemic!)

    • Glad they got there, Ness… eventually.
      I don’t there has ever been a year where we have actually sent our international cards out on time.
      Hope the volcano-induced Tsunami didn’t affect you too much… if at all.

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