Brum brum

Yesterday, I went up to the NEC in Birmingham for the Bike Show… now known as Motorcycle Live.

It was this: most excellent.

So many gorgeous bikes.  And I wanted to buy so many of them!

But I was very restrained and in the end, I only spent £45,000

In my head.

I could easily have spent so much more (in my head), but I didn’t. Because I showed discipline.

I’m just so adult, nowadays.

Also,I’ve probably caught the Covids, because it was absolutely packed with people in there and it was impossible to social distance from each other.

And hardly anyone was wearing a mask (including me: my glasses kept misting up and I couldn’t see anything, so I gave up with it).

But, it was a good day out and I just hope that I get to ride all my new bikes (in my head), before the plague takes me.




6 thoughts on “Brum brum

  1. You’ve really got the bug. The bike bug that is.
    If it was held outside would it have been a “field of dreams”

  2. The last (and only) time I went to MCL was 2015 and gosh that was six years ago! I should imagine this year, like then, there was lots to see, fondle, and perv over. And also the motorbikes! 🙂

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