I received a letter in the post the other day.
A proper letter.
Written on proper lined paper.
And handwritten in pen.
On both sides.
And it came in an envelope. Again handwritten and with a stamp.
How exciting!
It wasn’t actually addressed to me, but rather to “The Householder”.
But nonetheless, it was a ‘proper’ letter, and who gets many of those nowadays?
“Who could have sent this?” I wondered, as I carefully tore open the envelope.
Teresa, that’s who.
I don’t know any Teresa, but her neat handwriting went into some detail, explaining that she lives locally and that she would like to invite me and my family to watch a series of “uplifting” videos currently showing online.
On the Jehovah’s Witness website.
The letter goes on to explain how God will restore the Earth to it’s original condition of paradise… blah, blah.
And Teresa even signed off with her full name and mobile telephone number, should I have any questions.
I hadn’t even considered it before, but here is another section of society that has been terribly affected by the pandemic.
I bet they’ll be glad when Covid is gone and they can go back to knocking on doors.
Not today, thank you, Teresa.
A proper copy of a mass produced letter.
As long as you do not order a Watch tower instead of a Versa tower.
Ah. What a thrill. A letter. From a person. I’m familiar with the excitement. We’ve had one from our local JW. I can’t wait for the beautifully handwritten letters from African Princes offering untold wealth if I’d only write back with my bank details…
p.s. Some kind of change has occurred on your website. My RSS readers (both of them) are now picking up your posts after not being able to for about a year
Technically, I have no answer for you, but I’ve switched my hosting company, so that’s probably why.
It remembers my name and email I’d.. Cookies at work
I think you should all go because it would make for a very interesting blog post! She might have some free fuel…