Jones of the valleys

Short conversation from yesterday:
Mrs M: (looking at her phone) “Blimey, Tom Jones is 80 years old today”
Me: “So? It’s not unusual…”
Mrs M: …………………………………………….. Nothing. Silence.
I wonder why I bother, sometimes.

13 thoughts on “Jones of the valleys

  1. I have a Tom Jones anecdote from a friend who was stage manager at a venue which he toured at. I can’t repeat it. Much bad wordage. But he’s apparently very charming, when he stops cussing

  2. +++ ADDITIONAL +++
    From earlier today:
    Mrs M: (looking out at the back garden, in which she has been most industrious these recent weeks) “I can’t reach it, so could you have a go at trimming the climatus?”
    Me: “Well, I’ll give it a go, but being a man, I doubt if I’ll be able to find it.”
    Mrs M: ………………………………………………………………..Nothing.

    • When I knew Tom Jones, he was Tommy Woodward. Not many of us were impressed with him.

        • Indeed you may, TA, but gardening interests me so little, I couldn’t even be bothered to look up the correct spelling.

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