
Yesterday, I took the day off and took a drive over to that Swansea.

That’s a long and boring journey, I can tell you.

Took us over fours to get there (with a pitstop halfway) and similar to get back.

The reason for my visit to Taffyland?  To buy a car.

Not for me, but for Son.

Due to the extortionate insurance costs for someone his age (and gender) he’s limited to what he can afford to buy.

The make and model of car that he was looking at came in a 59 BHP version. That puts it in a Group 1 insurance category – the cheapest (although we are still looking at a couple of grand there). The next level up was 94 BHP, which puts it way up into Group 9… adding almost a thousand pounds to the premium!

Obviously, for this reason, Group 1 cars are very popular with new drivers and when a secondhand one goes on sale, it gets snapped up pretty quickly. We missed several opportunities.

So, when this one came up, we immediately slapped a 24hr reserve on it and hightailed it down the M4.

Took it for a test drive. Liked it. Bought it.

It’s a little bit more expensive than what he was looking for, but it’s low mileage and in almost-new condition.

Hopefully, it should last him a good few years.

And one for luck.

OK, another month over.

Another Blog-a-thon over.

As in previous years, this started off as a quite difficult challenge, which got easier as time went on.  I found that writing the posts became easier, the more I did it.

Which is what you’d expect.

And it’s also the reason why I started doing this stupid annual challenge, all those years ago. Eighteen years ago!

The biggest problem – as ever – is not in the writing of the post, but in the subject… trying to think of what to write. It has to be something that is interesting enough fto read.

Ideally for both of you.

Anyway, I’d like to once again thank our Welsh correspondant, Mr Jones, for keeping me company throughout the month, as his daily contributions gave ME something to read.

And thanks to those of you who took the time to not only read my ramblings, but also to comment on them.

Same time next year?

Bonkers Bunkers

In the amateur radio world, there are a group of people who like to operate portable from places of interest and see how many contacts they can make from that location.

And when I say ‘group’ I mean thousands. It’s a very popular activity within the hobby.

I’ve not tried it myself… yet.

One of the most popular places to operate from (we call it ‘activate’) is the top of a very high hill or mountain.  This is called SOTA, an acronym for Summits On The Air.   SOTA activations can be very rewarding: that extra height above sea level can really aid long-distance communications.  Of course, the challenge is in lugging all your equipment up a mountain. No mean feat in some cases.

But, not everyone can do SOTA, due to age or physical impairments, so other OTAs have sprung up over the years: POTA – Parks On The Air; WOTA – Windmills; and a recent one that has come to my attention BOTA – Bunkers.

This last one is aimed at operating from the 2,000 or so bunkers across the country, that were built for the Royal Observer Corps during WWII.

Looking on the website that has been set up to facilitate this activity, I noticed that there is a bunker in Luton and so I decided to go and take a look, as it was at a location that I’ve often walked with the dog and I’d never seen any bunker there.

With the aid of What3Words though, I found it quite easily, hidden in a small clump of trees and bushes that I must have walked past many times.. Or, at least I found the entrance to the bunker – how far underground it went, I don’t know.  The brick entrance has been fitted with an iron gate to prevent local herberts getting in there and the exposed brickwork around it is covered in graffiti.

With my interest piqued, I then did a bit of looking around the internets and I happened across this video, which shows a large bunker in town… nothing to do with the ROC.

From watching the video, I’m pretty sure I have figured out where that manhole cover is, but I’m not sure I’d be able to get down it… not with my forearms. The main entrance (or one of the main entrances) is just a few feet away, by the looks of it, but has been paved over.  Again, I have walked down that road many times, with no knowledge of what was beneath my feet.


Stamp It Out

You’d probably not be surprised to learn that when I was a kid, I had a stamp collection.

Yup, pretty nerdy, even back then.

It wasn’t a particularly impressive collection, but I had a proper stamp collecting album and I used to save up my pocket money and send off for little packets of stamps from Stanley Gibbons.

They were nothing fancy, just random stamps from around the world and I would spend hours sticking them into the album, using stamp hinges.

For some reason, the packets that Mr Gibbons sent me, often contained several Hungarian stamps. “Magya Posta”, I remember being printed on them. I ended up with far too many Hungarian stamps, but had no-one with whom to swap. That was the problem with being the only nerd in the village.

I don’t know what happened to my stamp collection… probably ended up at the tip.

But, I have started collecting again… with a difference.

Every so often, Royal Mail release a set of stamps to commemorate something or other. And, if it’s something I am interested in, I’ll buy them.

No faffing about with stamp hinges now though. These commemoration stamps come in a small presentation pack which folds neatly, to fit into a see-through plastic wallet.  Unfolded, there is usually a whole lot of blurb about whichever subject the stamps are celebrating.

Royal Mail also produce a nice imitation leather (plastic) binder with which to display your collection.

Although I’ve been collecting them for a few years, I haven’t bought that many – for instance, last year they brought out a set to commemorate the Spice Girls.

I didn’t buy those.

But I do have: Doctor Who; Star Trek; Dad’s Army; Only Fools & Horses; James Bond; Marvel; Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet; Black Adder; Paddington Bear and a lovely set depicting Weather Forecasting throughout the ages.

Oh, and a set of Penny Blacks, Reds and Blues… which would be worth a fortune, if they weren’t replicas.


I was trying to carry my son’s big, heavy gaming chair out of his room, at the weekend, so I could give the carpet a good hoovering, when I caught my forearm on the strike plate on the door frame.

Ouch! It hurt.

There was blood.

A bit.

And I’ll probably have a scar, which is cool, as chicks dig scars… apparently.

And this reminds me of a few years ago at a works (pre-Covid) Christmas party, I was strutting my stuff on the dancefloor (encouraged by several pints of wife-beater), when I noticed a gaggle of girls from the planning department looking at me and laughing.

I sidled my way over to where they were sitting, to see what all the merriment was about.

They told me that they were building their perfect man, using bits from all the available men in the room and that I had made the shortlist.

Obviously, I was quite pleased to hear this, but was intrigued as to which of my many, many fantastic attributes had made the grade.

Was it my Travolta-like dancing skills, I wondered?

Or was it my strong, square jawline, reminiscent of a young Marlon Brando?

Perhaps it was my six-pack torso which, admitedly, can nowadays be better likened to a Watney’s Red Barrel.


Apparently, it was my forearms. They really liked my forearms.

Now, it’s not the first time I have been complimented on these particular appendages. Some years ago, when I was so much younger and fitter, a fitness trainer at the gym remarked that I had forearms … “like Popeye”.

I think it was a compliment.

Anyway, the girls refused to tell me who else in the room was on the list, but you know what… forearms…?  Yeah, I’ll take that.


Yesterday, Mrs M and Daughter went to see Whitney Houston.

Not the real one, of course, because she’s dead.

No, they went to see a tribute act.

Strange things, tribute acts. I’ve never quite understood why anyone would pay good money to go and see someone who isn’t as good as the real thing. If you are a big fan of something/someone, why would you go to see something that isn’t as good?

I used to be a big fan of the rock group Queen. I have all their albums and I have seen them live in concert a couple of times.

But I don’t think I would ever dream of going to see a band that were performing Queen songs – but who didn’t look or sound as good as Queen.

I’d feel let down.

Mrs M and Daughter arrived home earlier than expected. “You’re home earlier than I expected”, I said.

“We left half way through”, said Mrs M, “she was murdering those songs!”


Evil Tiny Missives

Yesterday, Mrs M and I went to the pictures to see Wicked Little Letters.

With Timothy Spall, Jessie Buckley and the wonderful Olivia Coleman in the lead roles, the film tells the true story of the town of Littlehampton, just after the first World War and the scandal that arose from someone sending obscene correspondence to the townsfolk.

Quite possibly, the first example of what we now consider to be trolling, when it is done online.

Apparently, at the time, the tale of these unwanted letters gripped the nation.

It didn’t grip Mrs Masher though.  The story was thin, with a weak plot and a fairly obvious twist, which has probably led to the mediocre ratings given by many critics.

But, like most of the – somewhat aged -audience in our matinee showing, I found it quite enjoyable.  Coleman, Spall and Buckley give terrific performances and I found it genuinely very funny in parts.

It was a bit of a departure for us to watch a film like that, actually. There were no car chases; fights; guns or helicopters. No points where the action was loud enough for me to guzzle gallons of cola and shove handfuls of popcorn down my gullet, as is usual for us on a trip to the cinema.

It was a gentle film –  with lots of swearing – which I enjoyed watching with a cup of tea and an iced bun.

“Up The Arse!”

I’ve never been much of a football fan.

Yes, I’ll watch the big England games, but that’s pretty much it, but even then, I’ll usually only watch it if it is a BIG game.

Years ago, when the guys  used to come in to the office on a Monday morning and for the first half an hour the only topic of conversation was the weekend’s footie activity, I used to feel a bit left out.

“You were lucky at the weekend, weren’t you?” they’d say to each other. Or “We wuz robbed… no way was that a penalty”.   I didn’t know what they were talking about, so I couldn’t get involved with the banter.  I mentioned this to Coops.

“You need to pick a team and follow them”, he said.

“OK, who’s at the top at the moment?”


“Right, I’ll follow them, then”

And I did, but still not enough to actually have a conversation with anyone about it.

I never went to any of their games and I never watched them on the telly… apart from a couple of times in FA Cup Finals (I think).

And I still ‘follow’ them to this day.

If you were to question me on the team, I’d be able to tell you that they are doing quite well at the moment (2nd in the league at the time of writing).

I could also tell you the manager’s name – Mikel Arteta – and the name one of the players… Something Saka. I think.

But, honestly, that’s it.

Most of the time, I can’t tell you where, if or who they are playing or whether they won, lost or drew their last game.

They’re probably playing today, but I couldn’t tell you who or where.

Anyway, it’s The Beautiful Game.


Keep On Running

Back in 2014, Mike over at Troubled Diva did a bit of a survey into who had the longest-running blogs on the Internet, in the UK.

I was pleased to make it into the top 20, having started my blog (I think they were still called Weblogs back then) way back in 2001.

Blogging platforms that are in abundance nowadays, were scarce back then. Blogger was in it’s infancy and Matt Mullenweg hadn’t yet invented WordPress, so I built the pages with Microsoft Frontpage.  All the clever kids were using Dreamweaver, but I just couldn’t get the hang of it.

Adding photos was time consuming and being able to leave comments wasn’t something, I knew how to do, so the pages were pretty bland to start with.

I switched to using Blogger in about 2002, but hosted on my own (paid for) server with my own (paid for) domain, rather than the freebie that Blogger was offering.

In November 2006 I sold my domain to the BBC for a tidy sum, purchased and switched to WordPress.

Incidentally, it was in February 2006 that I started this annual blogathon rubbish.

Nothing much has changed since.

Anyway, I got to wondering whether – ten years on – many of those bloggers of old, were still posting.

It seems a mixed bag.

A couple of people have just stopped completely.

A couple more blogs seem to have evolved into something less whimsical and more commercial.

But a few are still going strong.

And I like to count myself amongst them. Yes, there has been the occasional hiatus, where a lack of time, inclination or inspiration have left the blog stagnant for a period, but I don’t think that’s ever been for more than a month or so. And yes, I’m annoyed at having lost so many of my archives – bad management on my part when changing hosting companies several times over the years.

But, I am still here and I am still blogging.

And so, with all that, I reckon I must have moved up the Longest UK Blogger ladder.

I might even be in the Top 10 now.

Too High

The doctor recently told me that my haemoglobin levels are too high.
I need to have a series of tests to ascertain why, but in the meantime he has put me on a daily dose of Aspirin.

Last year, I was advised that my blood sugar level was too high… bordering on being classed as diabetic.
I was advised (ordered) to change my diet.

Just before that, a consultant advised me that my calcium levels are too high.
If I don’t get the levels down through a change of diet, he is threatening to rip some gland out of my neck.

And (apparently) my blood pressure has been too high for the past two years.

So why do I feel absolutely fine?

A Grand Night Out

“Slower”, I said. “You’re still going too fast. Here, like this…”

It took a bit of effort, at first, to master Policeman’s Gait. That’s not an official designation, but rather one that I made up, in order to describe the very slow amble required when walking the beat. If you were on a two-hour patrol around town, you’d easily go round it twice if walking at a normal pace. Better to slow down; use less energy and take in the surroundings.

“That’s better. No rush.” I said.  Lizzy nodded as she fell into step beside me.

Eliza was a very recent recruit and she was super keen. Bubbly and enthusiastic, she’d quickly endeared herself to the squad and – after several weeks of training and sitting behind a desktop – she was excited to be finally going out on the streets and it was down to me to show her the ropes.

We ambled along, making our way along the main road of a once prosperous area of the town that was becoming a bit run-down and now had an ethnic minority that was quickly becoming the majority.

We found a lone car, parked in the corner of an unlit parking area behind some of the shops. It didn’t look right and so we checked it out. It was locked and looked undamaged. “Do you know how to do a PNC check?” I asked Lizzy. She nodded an affirmation and immediately spoke into the radio microphone that was clipped to her jacket lapel. “Sixteen-Two-Three… can I have a PNC check please?”

“Sixteen Two-Three, go ahead”, said the male operator at the other end.  Lizzy read out the vehicle registration number into the microphone and her face beamed a minute later when it was confirmed that we were standing in front of a silver Ford Escort that had been reported stolen the previous week.  She looked at me and raised her eyebrows in a questioning “So, what next?” kind of way.

“There’s nothing much that you and I can do. Just tell them it’s here.”

“Well, it’s here”, she said into the radio.

“Er… OK” said the confused voice at the other end.

I laughed and took the microphone. “Sixteen Ninety.  Vehicle is secure and is located behind the carpet shop off the main road.”

“Roger. Thank you.”

“Yeah, OK… I got it”, said Lizzy as we resumed our slow traipse up the road.

Once we’d reached the end of the road, we did an about-turn and started our slow trek back toward the station. We hadn’t gone very far when pedestrians in front of us suddenly started shouting at us and pointing back to where we’d just come from.

I turned to see flames coming from a building and a crowd gathering outside. I shouted into my radio as we ran back up the road: “Sixteen Ninety! We have a building on fire at the top end of the main road. Request back up and Fire Service!”  Over the noise of our running and the commotion as we approached the building, I didn’t hear the response back from Control, but I assumed they were on it.

Part of the front of the building was ablaze. An onlooker told me he had seen someone put a petrol-bomb through the letterbox of the front door. There was no way we were going in there. We ran round to the back to find people exiting out of the rear fire doors… some of them were coughing and spluttering. I stopped one woman and asked her what was happening… were there more people inside?

She said there was.

I told Lizzy to try and keep people outside and stop them from wandering off as we might need witness statements and then I went into the building.

It wasn’t as bad as I’d imagined it would be – the fire was in the hallway, which was well ablaze, but someone had shut the door into the main area, preventing it from spreading in. Nonetheless, there was a fair amount of smoke making its way into the room from around the door and also through a small hole in the wall at about head height. I wondered briefly at how that hole might have come about but then dismissed it and continued further in.

The room was dimly lit. White fairy lights strung up on the walls were the only illumination, barely strong enough to cut through the increasing amount of smoke. A flickering yellow came in through the small glass window above the door that led out to the hallway.

The smoke was starting to fill the room and I held my handkerchief over my mouth with one hand, as I directed the half-a-dozen or so stragglers out toward the fire exit door where I had come in.

I cast a quick glance around the room to make sure it was clear and then noticed some movement in the corner. My eyes were now starting to stream from the smoke, but I made my way over to see what it was.  Behind a couple of turntables and a small mixing desk, I saw a fellow scrabbling about on the floor. “Oi! C’mon”, I shouted, gesturing him to get up and come with me.

“I’m the DJ, man…” he shouted back, with a strong Jamaican accent. “I’ve got to save my records!”

“Sod your records!” I said loudly. I grabbed his arm and dragged him away toward the exit and out into the street.

Police backup had arrived in the form of two Panda cars and the occupants had jumped out and straightaway started corralling the crowd away from the door, so that the Fire Brigade – who had also just turned up – could get in there.  I was pleased to see Rob, who immediately came up to me. “Having fun?” he said, with a grin.

The Fire Brigade did their stuff and witness statements were taken and then, just a few minutes later, a call came over the radio that a man fitting the description given, was seen running into the train station. Rob and his mate jumped into the car. “You coming?” he said.

“Too right!”.

Lizzy and I jumped in the back and Rob took off at speed.  We were at the train station in under two minutes, I reckon.

A chap in a British Rail uniform pointed towards some concrete stairs that had a sign saying “To Platform 3”.

“He went down there”, he said, “about a minute ago”. The four of us charged down the stairs

It was empty, save for a small group of lads standing at one end and there were a few more on the platform opposite, who looked over with interest as we clattered onto the paltform.

“There he is!” shouted Rob, pointing toward the far end of the platform. I turned and looked to see a figure jump off the end of the platform and start running up the track. We all legged it up the platform and – as I had been nearest – I reached the end first.  I jumped the three-feet from the platform to the ground and started to give chase, with super-keen Lizzy close behind me.

“Whoa! Whoa!” Rob shouted after us. “Get back here!” Our enthusiasm had got the better of us.

We trundled our way back and climbed back up onto the platform. “I could have caught him”, I moaned at Rob.

“Mate, not worth risking your life running up railways lines in the dark.  Leave it, we’ll catch him at some point”.

I don’t know if they ever did.

Lizzy and I got a lift back to the station and sat in the canteen with a cup of tea whilst we made up our pocketbooks.

“So, enjoy your first night out?” I asked her.

She looked up from her writing with a grin like the Cheshire Cat.

“Is it like this every night?” she asked.

“No”, I replied. “Sometimes it can get quite busy.”

A Grand Day Out

On Sunday just gone, myself, Son and a few mates went down to the London ExCel to see the MCN Motorcycle Show.

Like most of the other visitors, we went by car, which is something you might consider strange, but the inclement weather was the deciding factor there.

In the main.

Anyway,  we had a great time and we saw – as you would imagine – plenty of motorcycles and motorcycle related paraphenalia.

We saw big bikes and small bikes; fancy bikes and scruffy bikes; sensible bikes and some downright ridiculous bikes… such as the 48 cylinder eaxample of ridiculousness in this photo.

Henry Cole was giving a talk at one end of the hall and Charlie Boorman was on the microphone at the other end – if you’re not aware of Boorman and Cole, then you probably don’t ride.   In the middle, a small arena had been set up and a couple of guys on scramblers were giving demonstrations, riding over an obstacle course.  At times it was pretty noisy in there but it all added to the atmosphere of what was a pretty good show.

Many of the major manufacturers were in attendance: Triumph; Harley Davidson, etc, but surprisingly only three of the Japanese Big Four turned up, with Honda conspicuous by their absence.


I won a pen in the Triumph ‘Spin The Wheel’ competition and I’m almost guaranteed to win a 1983 Triumph 750cc TSX in the raffle… according to the lady who sold me the tickets.

One exhibitor which seemed out of place was Tails… a company we already use to feed our own mutt. Speaking with one of the chaps on the stand, I commented that it seemed a strange place to try and drum up trade. He smiled and said that the company had done extensive research over the years and after collating all the data, their scientists had concluded that some motorcyclists also owned dogs.

Fair point.