Now, in the ‘old days’ we all used to do it.
But, I’m not sure that many people do so, nowadays.
I still do it though: I keep my photos in a photo album.
Not ALL of them, of course, but whenever we go on a major holiday – or even a few minor ones – I get the photos printed (again, not all of them, just the better ones) and I put them into a folder, along with my written-up diary.
Yes, I keep a holiday diary. Because, several years later, Mrs M and I will always argue about the name of a place that we visited whilst on holiday, or the name of that waiter with the dodgy eye… or something. The folder can then be retrieved and the argument resolved in just a few minutes.
Plus, it’s just something I enjoy doing.
And, I will always take a proper camera with me, when we go away. Not many people do so anymore, as most people are happy just to use their phone, as it’s so convenient.
Of course, phone cameras have come on in leaps and bounds over the years and can produce some excellent shots, but for me, I’m just more comfortable with a proper camera in my hands. Admittedly, the camera bag full of lenses and a digital SLR has given way to a very capable compact camera, in recent years, but I still prefer that over a phone camera.
And of course, the digital versions of the diary and the photos are kept on the computer and are also backed up to an external drive, as well as being copied onto a DVD-ROM which is kept in the folder – I’ve learnt my back-up lessons the hard way.
Digital photography has made it so much easier for everyone to capture those special moments, but I wonder how many of them end up being lost, trapped in the memory chips of discarded mobile phones or lurking at the back of an obscure Faceache page that no-one looks at anymore?