
Yesterday, myself, Son and a mate went down to that London, to visit the MCN Motorbike Show at the ExCel.

There were lots of nice motorcycles to look at and drool over and plenty of clothing and accessories to help you part with your hard-earned.

I didn’t buy anything. It wasn’t for want of trying though.

I quite fancied a new leather jacket. I don’t need one… just fancied a new one.  I saw a perfect one on a stall selling jackets, trousers, gloves and all sorts of motorcycling apparel.  I say the jacket was perfect, and it was, except… it didn’t fit. It was a Large and it didn’t fit.  So I tried an XL and then an XXL with no joy.  The owner of the stall found me an XXXL in another style and that fitted OK, but I didn’t like the style.

So instead, I decided to get some earplugs. The foam ones that I currently use are a bit rubbish. There was a stall at the show that was making custom made earplugs from silicone rubber. I’d heard of these before and they are supposed to be very good, if a little pricey. In fact, I baulked somewhat when the guy told ne they were going to be ninety-four quid for the pair, but he offered me a  “Show Price” – effectively 10% off –  and I went for it.

Using one of those things that the doctor uses to look into your ears, he checked both mine then declared that he was unable to make a mould of my ears as both had wax in them, which would need to be removed first. Bugger. Not sure how I’m supposed to do that… with the current pressures on the NHS, it doesn’t feel right making an appointment just to get my ears syringed.

But overall, it was an enjoyable day out. Though not as big as the NEC show in Birmingham, it was still a fair sized show, and we managed to get round and see everything in about four hours or so.

My one complaint, would be about the parking.  It was easy to find and there were plenty of spaces available but, there was only one option for length of stay: 24 hours… which cost £25.00.  We only wanted four or five hours, but had to pay for a full day.  Bit of a rip off, ExCel.

5 thoughts on “Easyrider

  1. I haven’t been to a bike show for five/sixish years (NEC Bruminghaminam). I do use Excel quite a lot though. £25 for a week’s parking isn’t too bad though, same price as up here. Cotton bud and warm soapy water, that’ll sort out yer lugoles. Trust me, I’m a doctor.

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